Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vitamins in Lisbon

First of all, hello and happy Summer to all,

We've been waiting for a heat wave and here it is folks, been quite hot for the last few weeks and although the water is chilly the beaches keep filling up more and more.

So Bruno and I have been talking about vitamins lately - I've always taken some kind of something whether just regular vitamin C, emergen-c powder, or multi supplements and as you all probably remember a lot of protein shakes and tinctures.

I ran out of vitamins and was thinking about which route to take this time around when we got into a real honest discussion about what ever got me to take vitamins in the first place.

Most Americans do, at least the kind of folks we know, right? But I always just "knew" that you should take them. Take B vitamins for stress, C for colds, zinc for colds, A for skin . . . but I usually just buy whatever is cheapest and most accessible in the place I live. I never really asked myself why.

An interesting article came out in the ny times:

Sure enough it may be worth asking ourselves, why?

Of course nothing can replace a balanced diet enough rest and exercise and well not walking on cold linoleum floors with your bare feet, or getting soaked in the cold pouring rain etc.

Anyhow my conclusion is to not take daily vitamins but to try and eat even more fresh veggies and fruit and keep some good quality source of concentrated C on hand (like a juice or extract which is easy to absorb) and some kind of superfood or mineral to amp your energy and combat stress for a few months out of the year.

Vitamins are crazy expensive here in Portugal but I have discovered a way . . . German!! Weleda has a sea buckthorn juice that is supposed to have lots of C and A and it's about 7 euros, not bad.

Then there's Schindeles mineral powder for 12 euro bucks, not bad either.

So what are y'all taking these days?

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